(01757) 841069
Character Summary
Character Area 1: Riccall
- Detached houses with some irregular terraces and semi detached houses
- gable roof with front-facing eaves, with the occasional hip roof
- houses set behind short front gardens w ith low hedgerow or brick wall
- large gardens in various sizes to the rear
- constructed in a light brown-orange brick
- decorative brick detail such as dentil coursing to the eaves or tumble brick work to the gables.
- no two properties having quite the same brick
- gable walls tend not to feature windows above ground floor
- footprint of buildings generally rectangular with few protruding extensions
- strong horizontal emphasis (buildings wider than tall)
- two storey construction
- no roof windows
- variation of ridge and eaves heights
- Chimneys short but wide, lots of pots, often decorative
- orange pan tile
- stone ridges and water tables constructed from thin stone are occasional
- multiple pane vertical sash and soldier brick lintel and stone cill, or Yorkshire sash and arch brick lintel
- canted brick cill set into the wall.
- four and six panel doors, or braced and battend plank
- semicircular or three pane Fanlights
- stone doorstep
Character Area 2: Selby Road
- strong building line set back from the road
- large front gardens
- mature hedgerows with the occasional red brick wall and timber gated frontage. Providing grand entrances to these properties.
- properties face the street, the detached properties are large individual villas or large semi-detached properties, with the occasional bungalow
- constructed in red, pink, or an orange brick
- no two properties are alike
- Windows are white, multiple pane, either vertical or Yorkshire (broad) style
- Upper windows are directly under the eaves.
- ground floor windows are either bow with hip roof, or flat with decorative header and cill
- Doors either four or six panels, with arched top or fanlight
- decorative surroundings and brick porches/canopies common
- Hipped roofs in brown or red/orange clay pan tiles or Rosemary tiles
- Eaves overhang
- timber fascias & soffits
- Chimneys are tall with short, plain pots
Character Area Map
Riccall's core area has a strong traditional character. Gradual developments over time have begun to elongate the main area along main roads. More recently, post-war suburban developments have filled in the areas around to square off the village.
Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey with the permission of the controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Office.
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